Friday, December 9, 2011

Final Fantasy III for the NES in English - the game case

I wanted to show you a super cool game case cover we just finished up for a repro cart, Final Fantasy III for the NES on GameCaseWorld.Com.  This reproduction is in English and the original Final Fantasy III was only released in Japan hence Japanese.  It is also hard to put on a cartridge so reproductions can be hard to find. This is a cart we don't have in our collection - but wish we did! 

A collector contacted us and wanted to know if we could take the one of the usual Japanese covers that are out there and make an English version to match the English Final Fantasy III repro cart.  After a few questions he let us know he wasn't overly picky about the design of the case, as far as it matching the sticker on his cart.  We try to make sure that the cartridges and the cases match. 

I started with one of the Japanese covers that exist on the net. 

Japanese (Fan Made) Final Fantasy III Cover
So there are a few items on this cover that need to be changed and added in order to make it a proper English translation cover.  First it isn't in the regular NES template.  The back description is in Japanese.  Below is the finished English translation copy for Final Fantasy III.  Similar to the Japanese format we found, but of course in English and stylistic features added and re-arranged. 
English Language Version Final Fantasy III Cover Reboot
This prints up nicely and we used the actual gem icons from the game for bullet points and recreated the verbiage that is iconic to the early 90's gaming scene. It is not a direct translation, which we could not locate.  I darkened the front figure slightly and when printed there is a nice contrast between the FFIII logo and the image in the background.

Luckily the original Japanese language case was very simplistic which allowed me to move around the logo and play with the case far easier then my typical 'start over from scratch' method.

Photo of Finished Case
 This isn't our first reproduction cartridge game case, but definitely my favorite. 

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